Cadillac was founded in 1902 by a person named Henry M. Lelan. It is technically a luxury vehicle thats owned by GM (General Motors). Youd be surprised when I tell you that these vehicles are sold in over 50 countries and territories worldwide.
If you were to do your research, youd find that Cadillac is the second oldest American car manufacturer & oldest automobile brand in the world; with Buick being the first. I honestly thought that the oldest one would be either Ford or Chevrolet, but thats not important. There are some people that can argue the fact that Cadillac is older than Buick; but since Buick took over Oldsmobile, Buick is considered to be the oldest manufacturer in America.
Cadillac was pretty much created from the remains of the Henry Ford Company when Henry himself passed on & the company died. When this happened, Henrys financial advisors wanted to just get rid of the company; but Leland convinced them to invest in his idea; which was the single-cylinder engine that he wanted to put in cars. The advisors listened & on August 22, 1902, the company was renamed as the Cadillac Automobile Company.
Even from when it first started, the main goal of Cadillac was to have the best engineering & the most stylish, luxurious finish that everyone wanted in a car. This led them to be the finest automobile producer in the US for that time. Cadillac was the very first producer to have a fully enclosed cab in 1910; when 1912 rolled around, they were the first manufacturer to include an electrical system that enabled the vehicle to have an ignition & lighting.
Shortly after it was renamed as the Cadillac Automobile Company, it was purchased by GM in 1909. When the depression hit, Cadillac didnt do well - at all. They suffered from their lowest record sales & were also charged with discriminating against black customers. There was this guy named Alfred Sloan that was determined to get a committeetogether so they can discontinue the manufacturing of Cadillac vehicles because of the whole discrimination issue. Of course, there are always two sides to a story; so the board let Cadillac have 18 months to prove that they werent discriminating against black people - and they did it. By 1940, Cadillac sales had risen ten times higher than what they were in 1934.
If we jump decades into the future, like now, we can easily see that Cadillac has no problems with resisting the trend of making retro models. Instead, they have started a style called art & science which involves the sharp & crisp edges .. & has a bold, high-technology design. This design was involved on the DTS model, & you can tell when you look at the Cadillac Rims , especially the 2009 Cadillac DTS Wheels .
If you were to go to the dealership & take all of the wheels together from the 2009 DTS model, youll see that 99.99% of the OE Alloy (Aluminum) Wheels are chrome .. which means that Cadillac has high expectations when it comes to the actual car. Its luxury inside and out.
They are now even catching on the trend of making hybrid cars; which is the only trend that they will probably follow - but its for the benefit of the world ! If you want to see the other fabulous Factory Chrome Wheels that come on different Cadillac models, just go ahead & visit us at OriginalWheels.com & well be more than happy to help you.
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